Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Admin or people

It probably is old truth, but when we work, our focus gets very easily on the tasks and not the people. On the problems, and not the problemmakers.

And as your workload increases, it is possible to sink into tons of e-mails and even phonecalls, maybe even meetings, but less and less there is time for just for being with people.

Fortunately i do not need positive thinking to get out of it. Good old gospel helps me understand that I do not need to keep the world together. And if my focus is on people, the results are anyways in the hands of Allmighty.

It is actually very humbling to work with people. Tasks, things and whatever administration is in our hands, but people... never.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Debt free

Thanks for all!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Money matters

I was very little when ABBA songs were popular in a true way. But now their words are still prophetic.

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me

That's too bad

In my dreams I have a plan

If I got me a wealthy man

I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball

As storm is right now rolling around the world. Little boat called Estonia which has only 1,4 million people on the board, is trying to survive. They say that in almost a month 100 000 people are out of the boat, without job.

Whos fault is it? Politicians? Greed of a mans heart? Or our Heavenly Father?

Well, I am a non-popular preacher. I really believe that behind the death of money is God. Bible says that God owns it all. Also money. And it also says that God is still Gracious.

But if God owns it all, who am I?

Bible says that I am a steward, and if I become stupid with the money that has trusted in my hands, then God takes it away. Money matters, but trustworthyness matters more.

Do you believe that if your father gives you less money, he still loves you?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Welcome to Estonia-17

This "17% news" is our last breaking topic here in Estonia. We are very non-religious country. Come and see!