This new year has come not with January first, but again with Septeber 1. It surprises me every year how Tartu becomes full of life and young people. They say that we have double amount youth here, not 20% as usually, but 40%.
I am highly motivated, because I know that if God is Allmighty and has done Everything. And if I am in Christ totally new creation, then who can stop me doing whatever I do for God?
This past summer was really evangelistic. And even though I have met on my way so many skeptics (more than atheists), this challenge - sharing life of Christ to others - is really boosting my adrealine.
I just got a call from Oleviste, church in Tallinn. They have around 140 youth gathered. Not long ago they had only 5 persons gathered together...
God is on the move. This gives me good sleep.