Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Crackhead B

Man. World we live, is a dark one. Even this big and shiny Atlanta. Can u imagine, in every hundred meters there are gangs of people selling crack? There are prostitutes wondering around the gas-stations.
And on the dark church-corner there is a crackhead B. That person was a miserable one. When Adam introduced me to here as a preacher and asked if I could pray for her. She said: pray for safety. (I will do that)
Of course she didnt take it too seriously, because the addiction was devastating one, but u get the point... Here, in the world, not too far from us live people who do not have hope any more.
Or you think they do?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Iron ravens

Also the words of my mentor, Dave Patty look to be prophetic! "This is about glorifying God and lifting up His Name!" For me it means that being in US is much more than deepening relationships or asking money.
Let me give you one example of today. Man, it was cool!
This morning I woke up with a worry in my heart. I needed to get to the Lennu airport, but I did not have taxi-money. Thoughts went traveling and I remembered my small flock at home and their needs. Who will help Greta out? Who would like to have my tons of prayer-cards? How can I make all that trip?!
Fortunately my Abba was close. He showed me the verses about prophet Elijah, as I was lying on my mattress. Man, it was powerful... but I didnt notice it until the flights in the sky...
There were many miracles, this day, 28th October.
First. Taxi-meter was surprisingly low, even driver couldnt understand it, and me and Daniel together had exact money (111.-).
Secondly. I was hungry. And suddenly ravens started feeding me. Those iron ravens, in the sky.
But Elijah story didnt end that way. He also met one single woman who feeded him that starving era... it came out that I was sitting together with Nancy, who is working closely in Israel. She did not only get my first prayer-letter, helped me get new planetickets, but also gave me out of nowwhere 100 dollars. Without knowing me, without reason to trust.
Abba is good.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Come help

This is because I will go to States for 3 weeks and Greta will stay at home with Wilma.
What makes this moment difficult is the fact that Greta has to continue working, and I do not have any other option but fly over the ocean. We will have there 2x3campaign, where we hope to find from 11-different states (I will be in Atlanta and Chicago) support to our organization and family.
1. Support. If you feel you want to invest in the ministries vision or our family, do you have any friends who would like to meet me or our team while we are (28th Oct - 8th Nov) at States? Or would you like to start supporting us on financial needs?
2. Pray. Even if you are places like China, Prague or Kuni, would you pray for us specifically in front of our God most high?
Here is also a small video-clip. That way you get a more insight that this US-trip is not just fun-time. No it isn't. It is spiritual work (but yes, I will do it in joy).
Next Generation from Josiah Venture on Vimeo.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
How to spend 1min with your daughter
It is said that average father spends 2 minutes every week with his daughter. I must admit, that for me it is also a temptation to spend more time working than with my beloved one... but I will show you what did we did on my birthday with Wilma.
This is 1 minute of our life.
This is 1 minute of our life.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saaremaa socks
I got Saaremaa woollen socks.
Thanks Juhan for crafting me such! I feel I am and I am important. There probably is not any better encouragement than getting such surprise from the young leader.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
How to kill lust

Everyone is burning in the lust, right! They say that you cannot go with children any more to the mall - immediately there are tears, screaming and undone zippers of the jackets. For me it is difficult to pass the coffee-house, my wife notices really quickly cake-slices. For sons of men it is hard to push the new button on the remote control, when there on the TV are good old lovescenes.
For elderly people, there are different kind of lusts. Even they have those, and different kinds.
Does self-leading help? That positive thinking type of approach?
Or self-flagellation? This is also autosuggestion, just old-school method.
Of course it doesnt help. And tearing out your eyes or chopping away your hand, it really does not help. You still lust.When you are blind, you lust blindly. It does not help to say: actually I really do not have any lusts right now - I actually want and need it. Its lying, because people really do not need most of the things... at least I dont!
Where then do the Christians belong with their lust-fights? As we have heard they should belong to those positively thinking people, but again... those well-known peas under the knees... How then christians, including Märt Saar, then fight with their lusts?
To be honest, I cannot. And actually, I go futher, I am not even trying to. When I become angry on Wilma or when I am egoist with Greta, I have understood more and more, that just by myself I am not really a good man for them. And it is impossible to be like Christ. I really am not like Christ!
But. If I am with Christ (by choice and also in private) every day... well, then I become a little more like he (maybe this is a moment you remember that story about vinetree and branches who stay in it?).
Also our famous Paul says in a nice way: "look, you believerman, you can have Spirit living in you, but only if you would walk in it as well... then is the time when you do not have to fight with your sinful nature. Spirit himself is fighting with it."
In other words. As long as I try to fight against my lusts I am idol for myself. And this idol is fallen already in its birth.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
What intrests you in me?

Now the new era has started. I have a question for You:
What shall I write about, so it would interest you? (I asked the same question in estonian blog and I am already interested if you will answer differently or if at all!)
PS. Now the commenting is possible even for anonymos ones. So feel free.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Communistic breakthrough

250-270 people living in a same house, without knowing each others name.
Now we know at least Klavdia. Russian woman, older than 60, having some golden teeth in mouth. We asked her to visit us. And she did! What a breakthrough in that communistic environment!
She brought gifts, but didn't eat much. In a same time, she really liked to talk. We also, but we didn't understand each other so much. But something still. "Rebjoonok" for example.
I got to know what health-problems you can have and how its possible to have 11 children. What an exciting evening it was! But most grateful I am for Greta and her gift of hospitality (yes, Holy Ghost can give even that!).
Conclusion: it is good to know your neighbors . Or what about you?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Do u know your culture?

What do you know about Estonia?
So. It is small and wannabe-ambitious? But what else? Okay, its post-communist, innovative and secular. But can u explain the reality I live more? What stories did my grandparents use to tell me? How have we been forced to think? Who are our greatest heroes and thinkers?
Or what about your country? What heritage u are having, what scars have your parents been bareing? What winds use to blow in the fields of your history?
Listening to one bold preacher Mark Driscoll I got inspired to learn more about my culture, and my people. I did not like the books by Tammsaare (guy on 25 crowns), but now I understand more of his, that old writers influence. How important was handwriting of his that wrote so publicly those first atheistic lines in our memories!
Or the trains in the forties. Or forced campaigns in the sixties. Or great fruitfulness songs that previous generations of Estonians so dearly used to sing. Do I still read the magazines written for young estonian army-guys, do I notice what message our young pop-singers try so desperately cry out? Do I know what icons we are putting on our stamps?
I want to live in this culture. Because it is the world I am.
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