Only week before the vacation and my head is still questioning my next years calling. I know that its not define or concrete as foundation of a house, but I still need to know where God is directing me.
Many people have questioned if I am serving in a position where I would have right gift-set. I think I do not. I do not like organizing for organizings sake. And I am not a team-person by heart, I must say.
That means I might not be king (system-person) nor priest (people-person). There is only one option more and this would be prophet (message-person). But it is still too abstract.
I am right now serving God in Koma and my mission is to equip young leaders to fulfill Christs commission. Greta just told me that the area of work seems to fit me... but again, what do i need to do after the vacation?
Should I continue doing camps? What about trainings? What about spending time with people? Who should I focus on? How should I instruct the team?
Quo vadis, Märt Saar. God knows.