Thursday, July 23, 2009

Greatest command

I am very smart during nights. Maybe like you. Instead of sleeping I have good ideas coming and going, thoughts that leave a trail of genius to my head. There are also times for repentance in those nights.

I.e. I have found out that Great Commission what Jesus had really was not the Greatest. Greatest is to love our God.

Do you know what happens if you make millions of disciples, but without love to God? It is actually living for yourself and your challenges. To tears I have repented that great sin. It is not a weird story when Jesus asks Peter if he loves him.

He does not say: dude, I am leaving. Someone needs to take care of sheep. There should be billions of disciples made. And you are super in that. All he asks is: Do you love me? (3x)

This is the Greates Commands. To love God. This is where my motivation should come.

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