Probably I do so because of my background. My parents confronted even our guests if any of them tried to poison someone behind their backs.
By the way, it would be interesting to know what people would talk about you? What makes them confused, scared, hot-tempered or eats their guts?
I believe that actually everyone knows that this type of talking is not beautiful. But according to my observations, more talkative you are and more language-centered is the culture, bigger the chance is that someone is talking about us. It is actually pretty scary to think what people can do when they are behind each other backs!
It is also understandable why gossiping is such a temptation... this is almost like a therapy or tender healing for your wounds! Sharing the heart. And if your partner in discussion is also nodding, then its like social drinking. But as it is with alco, so is with gossip... this nice smooth feeling dissolves in the air and you need to take another drink to make your head hurt less...
Gossip heals nobody.
But what if there are exceptions? Righteous back-talks. And as we know, we need to discuss about life and things that happen around us? And isn't it so that even parents need to discuss in their bedroom about the growth of their children.
I'm not sure if everyone is our children.
And by any chance, it can be true: what if we are the children of others?
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