Friday, April 18, 2008

Drive cheaply, its possible

In EST every year about 23 000 new drivers hit the roads. Oh, poor people. (all together there are – me and you included– over 600 000 drivers). But it’s said that if 600 of them would decide to “drive cheap”, everybody else in that town would do the same: drive cheap.

This new theory of “driving cheap” means:

  1. Its possible to drive cheaper in town than on big roads!
  2. … to decrease road accidents by -35% (Germany experience)
  3. … to keep gas expenses down by -15%
  4. ... to keep the service expenses down by -50%

Wow. As the prize of diesel suddenly increased to 18+ EEK (its almost 2 dollars)… I started to wonder, how can this “drive cheap” be possible?

Some advices I got from the driving school:

  1. When the pressure in the tires is 1.7 and not 2.5 (as it should), I have to buy +8% more gas
  2. Every thing that weighs additional 20 kg in my car, makes me spend +1% more on gas
  3. When I choose to drive on the gravel roads instead of the asphalt, the expense is even +30%!
  4. It’s useful to reverse with a warm motor (i.e. before shopping)
  5. When you drive, use the breaks as little as possible – you should kinda “swim”.
  6. The first gear takes 150 litres – no more words needed.

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