I am friend of the nature and big time self-analyzer. And as I was pushing babycart, I thought of parallels between man-and-tree. After that, I took time to sit behind bible and see if these thoughts are reliable. Result was in three categories.
Every tree has a ground where to stick. This is a place where it gets its food, exists and gets into big nature conflicts.
Every tree is a one of a kind, whole life. This consists of the character that needs pruning, fruitfulness and of course, unique breed.
Every tree belongs to some type of forest. This is a place where it relates to others, meets unexpected dangers and takes care of offsprings.
Actually bible is talking all about that. How to be rooted... how to manage with myself... and what to do in a world. This is how my paperwork ended with 9 questions that also every blogpeeper can ask from him/herself.
1. How do you feed yourself in the Christ-ground (habits)?
2. Why do you exist?
3. In what way Gods hope (community) is endangered?
3. In what way Gods hope (community) is endangered?
4. What has to re-new in you?
5. How much goodness-righteousness-truth (fruits) is around you?
5. How much goodness-righteousness-truth (fruits) is around you?
6. Who are you in God?
7. What can you do around yourself?
8. What do you stay away conciously?
9. Who are you leading into future?
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