I have a friend called Siilas. Two days ago I sent him a txt-message. And the answer I got was: "Thanks to God. The moment you sent me that message, you saved my life. I'll write you tomorrow. Siilas."
And so he wrote yesterday:
"I´d like to encourage and thank you, saying, that you are under the leading of God.
Yesterday I went from my school with 8 guys to Tallinn (capital of Estonia), to a place called
Saurix, to drive with a cart.
I was on that trip just as a teacher and busdriver, watching how they drive
But as I was standing by the rally-road, on a place where teammembers stand, looking from a screen what the lap times are. Suddenly I heard: a txt-message coming! I took my phone from the pocket and took 2 steps forward. In that way I could lean over the desk and see who had written me.
In the same moment one of the boys was driving with the cart just behind my back, smashing the door that took him to the lounge. As other drivers where already in the box, and he found out that he couldn't brake (probably in confusion), he decided not to smash into the carts but drive out of the road.
The door he smashed into, broke. Stopping the cart. The boy himself was not injure
Overall, it was a big Gods miracle. I guess He didn't want me yet. The ways of God are amazing."
Märt's message for you today:
Send text messages to your friends!
And not only on Valentine's day,
but also on days we just drive carts.