Sunday, September 21, 2008

Difficult decisions

Year has passed.

As a person who is taking responsibility I have studies something. For example a thing that it is not useful to be brown-nose. Or that, if you have a situation where you gotta choose between very good and very-very good, and you have to say "no" to one, then this "no" has to come still boldly. And it doesn't matter at that time if anyone gets hurt or not.

How to make difficult decisions then?

Those people who make difficult decisions wisely, they live beautiful life. And I want that my everlasting life would be beautiful.

I have decided that if there is a conflict, then I still put my reputation into the game and say even with tears in eyes that there has been a person who has hurted me, but I still want to take responsibility, confess, ask forgiveness and forgive myselfe. I want to practice it in the next days to come.

I have decided that if there has to be done something on the name of God, I will still do it. Even if I am the only person in Estonia. In the rain, without partners or auditorium. That even then I will be doing what He says.

I have decided that if my leadership-style has to change, so that we could make a next step with our organization then I will change it. Even if it isn't favourable by all. And even if I do not like it.

Last year, same time, 21st september I decided to become spiritual leader in Estonia. God talked to me in the Czech mountains and I did go back to my homeland to lead our younger generation closer to Him.

And I am still joyful. Yes, it is difficult to be sometimes. But I am joyful. And I have peace.

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