Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Märt Saar starts in English!

This is Märt speaking. At last I can start interacting with you in a language we both use!

Now you will get to know my secrets that are written also in my Estonian blog (Märt Saare blog). And probably you will start seeing what's going on in my head. But you will also get a look into my family-nest and working-environment. Maybe that will help you to be a part of a 23-years-old father's life. Husband. Missionary.

And hopefully also a Friend.
See you soon!


Lisa said...

Can I just tell you how happy I am that you now have an English blog??!!!! I'm looking forward to reading and understanding instead of just trying to guess what you're talking about by looking at your pictures. How are you and Greta and Wilma doing?

~Lisa Hamer

Sara said...

absolutely fabulous! keep up the good work and keep on posting pictures of you and your little family!



m2rtsaar said...

Im very glad we can make sense more from now on:)

Wilma and Greta are rather perfect. Greta is in front of mirror right now, doing make up. Wilma is watching and making noises in a weird way. So we are fine.

Sara. We will see soon! Ohohhooo.