Thursday, March 6, 2008

Märt: 8 people died!

Im at Jerusalem hotel, laying on the bed. As I am watching TV, I know that at least 8 people were killed just in this city, tonight, boom-boom-boom. And this was a day when I was walking on the streets and bought for myself jewish hat. Noone knew that some hours later someone is going to shoot.

Even though so many boys have military-clothes, and girls police-suits.

You Greta are with Wilma chilling in this little Estonian apartment. Surely you have cosy and comfortable environment. You have ate something sweet and looked out of the window, seeing hundreds on Annelinna citizens spending their last night-hours.
What else is happening... I must say that you need to put some additional numbers to our family-budget. I did not only buy that jewish-hat (10 secl), but also sandals (80 secl) and 6 socks (30 secl). This is because I will go to desert tomorrow and spend a night in a tent. Or what you think, would this be normal to play a cheese in the urban shoes?

By the way, do you know where I can go next days as well? Mount of Olives, place where Jesus had some rest in aloneness. Pool of Bethesda, where paralyzed man was healed. Then by the Western Wall where still are stones from time of king Salomon and Herodes. And to a place where Satan asked Jesus to fall down.

And I havent even mentioned Bethlehem,Garden of Gethsemane, Valley of Elah (place where Goliath and David fought) nor Dead Sea. Hehhehee!

Think how big treasure it is for me! Today, as I was on the roof of hotel and had city-lights on my palm... it was a first time I felt, that actually this bibleworld is so real and excisting!

If you only read about it, it will become day-by-day more and more like a fable story. Even though it is just a city like others. This is just different because we are wearing here jewish hats, rabbis hair and fighters weapons. But this is still a place where banana is eaten, money is begged and letters are sent to home - just like in other places.

I love you Greta! I found cafe, where I can Skype freely, but I will be in desert tomorrow. I will send you SMS from there.

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